Greatly imbibed by the high vedic tradition and reflecting the high philosophy of Swami Dayanand Saraswati,the DAV C.M.C spearheaded the DAV movement across the country and abroad by establishing more than seven hundred(700) educational institutions. Swami Dayanand Saraswati,an enchanting personality, peripatetic saint and above all the greatest path maker of modern India, led a crusade against the pervasive noxious superstitions and pernicious/detrimental practices prevailing during his time in our country India.
Man of invincible Power :
Fulfilled pledge of 25 years honorary service
Mahatma Hansraj, a sincere follower of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, was a man of unfathomable depth in his subjects, unflinching zeal, indomitable courage, implicit faith, unflappable patience, invincible will power, implausible ability and enchanting personality. He not only threw his entire entity and life for eradicating illiteracy, perpetual and abnoxious superstitions by giving a startling and scintillating start of first D.A.V. School at Lahore in 1860 in the name of DAYANAND ANGLO VEDIC SCHOOL which developed as a colossal banyan tree in through out India and abroad but also fulfilled his pledge of 25 years honorary service as the first Principal of the first DAV College at Lahore.
Knowledge to conquer space
Wisdom to conquer oneself |
Learning to admire virtue
Aspire to become virtuous |
Get rich by acquiring wealth
Get rich by renouncing riches |
Aspire to become Faraday
Aspire to become Budha |
Knowing what we did not know.
Acting as we did not act. |